- Gradišće – Koper
- Podpeč – Zanigrad – Hrastovlje
- Slum – Roč – Hum
- Draguć – Paz – Gradinje – Gologorica
- Pićan – Gračišće – Lindar
- Pazin – Beram
- Oprtalj – Čirkoti – Rakotule
- Vižinada – Božje polje – Labinci
- Višnjan – Bačva – Poreč
- Sv. Lovreč – Kloštar
- Šorići – Dvigrad – Kanfanar
- Žminj – Svetvinčenat
- Bale – Batvači – Fažana – Pomer
- Bičići – Barban – Prodol
- Jasenovik – Nova Vas – Vranja
- Plomin – Brseč – Lovran
Jasenovik – Nova Vas – Vranja
SS. Peter and Paul
Vranja is situated on the road from Plomin towards Učka, which has been here ever since ancient times. Before Tunnel Učka and the Istrian Y motorway were built, this was the road connecting central Istria, via Veprinac to Rijeka. Vranja was also the starting point of the medieval communication, pass towards Lovran, via Učka. It was also the site of an old castle, of which only the ruins are visible. Today, the old Church of SS. Peter and Paul has become the sanctuary incorporated into the widened and extended church, similar to St. Martin's Church in Beram. However, in Vranja the sanctuary of the old church has been removed. It used to be, just like in St. James's Church in Barban, with two apses with pointed barrel vaults. The preserved frescoes appear on the southern wall of today's sanctuary and parts of the preserved walls of the demolished apses. Inside the one-time left apse is the image of St. Lucy, St. Agatha and St. Apolonia. The southern wall depicts four scenes of the Passion of Christ. Only the scene of the Entombment is complete, whereas in the Deposition of Christ, only the central part has been preserved. Judging by the visual language of the fresco in the context of Late Gothic painting, it is dated to the last quarter of the 15th c. The shaping details bear most resemblances with the figures in the Church of St. Acacius in Prilesje near Plave in Slovenia.
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