Vižinada – Božje polje – Labinci


Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity Church lies at the crossroads, where the road from Božje polje branches off towards Poreč and Višnjan. Perhaps this simple chapel would not attract our attention if we did not know that it held medieval frescoes.

St. George Slaying the Dragon is the most impressive figure. It bears the most plasticity and the clear volume of his head is in contrast with the summarily presented and caricature-like figures of tormentors in the scene of the Stoning of St. Stephen. It also stands out from the other characters, such as St. Paul and St. John the Baptist depicted in hieratic postures. The details of St. George suggest the Venetian origin of painting. He is depicted wearing the armor of a Roman soldier with a fluttering cloak, in the manner of Byzantine painting, unlike in the rest of the Western world, wearing typical knight's armor of that time. The frames of the scenes are simple, lattice-like, and the depth is achieved with a simple green frame with a light ochre background inside. The ground is a yellow-ochre square. Only in the scene of St. George there are indications of a faded tree denoting the landscape.

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