Višnjan – Bačva – Poreč


St. Anthony

At the beginning of the road, leading from Višnjan to Poreč, stands St. Anthony's Church, harmonious Gothic edifice with regularly arranged and dressed stone blocks, with a slate roof and bell gable on the facade. Here we find legends from the life of St. Anthony the Abbot and fragments of the Christological cycle.


St. James

In the village south of Višnjan stands the single-naved Church of St. James with an inscribed apse. The frescoes were discovered and restored in 1913. This church is also decorated with mural paintings by Dominic from Udine.


Euphrasian Basilica

The center of the rich medieval diocese developed on the Roman grid plan of the town, which is even today clearly visible in the layout of the streets, crossing each other at right angles. In addition to the many preserved medieval buildings, the most significant is the parish church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, commonly known as the Euphrasian Basilica.

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