Vižinada – Božje polje – Labinci


St. Barnabas

Although it may not be the shortest way, however because of its beauty we suggest that you go back to Motovun and pass through the gentle Mirna Valley. The forest along its edge is home of the truffle, delicious and prized underground mushroom and famed Istrian delicacy.

Božje polje

Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Božje polje is situated close to Vižinada, on the road to Poreč. This is where the important ancient road Via Flavia once passed. It was also the site of the monastery of the Knights Hospitaller, knightly order that provided care for the pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land.


Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity Church lies at the crossroads, where the road from Božje polje branches off towards Poreč and Višnjan. Perhaps this simple chapel would not attract our attention if we did not know that it held medieval frescoes.

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