- Gradišće – Koper
- Podpeč – Zanigrad – Hrastovlje
- Slum – Roč – Hum
- Draguć – Paz – Gradinje – Gologorica
- Pićan – Gračišće – Lindar
- Pazin – Beram
- Oprtalj – Čirkoti – Rakotule
- Vižinada – Božje polje – Labinci
- Višnjan – Bačva – Poreč
- Sv. Lovreč – Kloštar
- Šorići – Dvigrad – Kanfanar
- Žminj – Svetvinčenat
- Bale – Batvači – Fažana – Pomer
- Bičići – Barban – Prodol
- Jasenovik – Nova Vas – Vranja
- Plomin – Brseč – Lovran
Draguć – Paz – Gradinje – Gologorica
St. Roch
The chapel of St. Roch is situated at the opposite end of the village. Walking towards it you will pass the long central street with, usually, more cats than people. In the center of the village is the main town square with a well, parish church, belvedere and covered passage connecting several houses and the remains of a one-time castle. Passing through this covered passage, we walk along the oldest part of present-day Draguć. At the end of the village is the chapel of St. Roch, protector from the plague. In the 15th and 16th cc., churches dedicated to this saint were usually built at the entrance to the town to protect it from the plague. This theme is depicted in one of the scenes in which there is a pile of corpses with arrows penetrating from them as a symbol of the plague. Within the central field on the sanctuary wall is St. Roch with two other saints, protectors from similar illnesses: St. Sebastian and St. Fabian. The other depictions represent the standard scenes of the Christological cycle, Four Fathers of the Church and other saints. From this usual iconography, stands out the Imago pietatis, the representation of the Christ of Pity above the entrance. In the center of the wide sarcophagus is Christ, naked from the waist up, with his arms crossed and eyes closed, surrounded by four Marys and John, and two angels praying in the lower corners. In the back are attributes of the Passion of Christ: the cross, the spear and the cane with a sponge. The most prominent position among all scenes on the walls belongs to the Adoration of the Magi that stretches nearly along the entire length of the northern wall and consists of several scenes joined into one: Parting from Herod, Encounter of the Magi, their journey and Adoration. The lines of the drawing dominate over the color. The adopted and modified Renaissance forms created doll-like figures, with voluminous, protruding lips, round, blushed cheeks and meticulously drawn eyes.
The frescoes are the work of a local painter Anthony from Padova, as the village near Kašćerga was once called. A Glagolitic inscription above the door from 1529 testifies to the painting of the church. Apart from painters, there is mention of the district-prefects and deputy district-prefects of Draguć as well as of the author of the inscription – priest Andrija Prašić, the then parish priest of Draguć. The described frescoes are not his only work. For the Church of St. Jerome in Hum he painted the altar triptych in 1533 that is presently exhibited in the Diocese Museum in Poreč. Also, before 1534, he completed the frescoes in the Church of St. Roch in Oprtalj.
Sunset from St. Roch’s and the hilly landscape bathed in shades of red around Butoniga Lake are truly unique. The picturesque landscape and the setting of the town have attracted many film crews for whom Draguć served as irreplaceable scenery. If you happen to come in June, you will certainly be attracted by the lively sounds of the string instrument players from the international meeting of double bass players.
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