- 18.10.11.
Invitation to a cross-border workshop held by a team of experts on revitalisation within the project REVITAS - 10.10.11.
Invitation for workshop of dry stone building method - 28.04.11.
Service of organising educational workshops and seminars for the project REVITAS - 24.03.11.
Second cross-border study tour - 03.11.10.
First cross-border study tour - 05.03.10.
Signing ceremony of the Partnership Agreement - 15.01.10.
Presentation of Project REVITAS in Buzet - 13.01.10.
First Project Team meeting
Invitation for workshop of dry stone building method
project REVITAS – Revitalisation of the Istrian hinterland and tourism in the Istrian hinterland within the Operational Programme IPA Slovenia – Croatia 2007-2013
Friday, 14th October 2011
Monday, 17th October 2011
Friday the 14th of October 2011 workshop will be held in a small village of Pisari near Sočerga. We will gather at 9h at the parking lot in front of the Community centre in Sočerga. From Sočerga we will drive to Pisari where the workshop leader, Mr Sergij Palčić will teach us the methods of building boundary stone wall. The workshop will last until 13h when we will conclude it with a joint lunch.
Monday the 17th of October 2011 workshop will be held in Pregara. We will gather at 10h in front of the church in Pregara (at the end of the village) from where we will go to the workshop of stonecutter Mr Licijan Stepanič. M. Stepanič will present different methods of processing the local stone, sandstone. The workshop will last until 12h when we will conclude it with a joint lunch.
Please confirm your participation at the workshop (which) or both until the 12th of October to e-mail address: mirjam.golja@zvkds.si. For the organisation of a joint lunch, please let us know if you are vegetarian. In case of bad weather workshop will be postponed to a new period.
We look forward to your participation
Prepared by: Eda Benčič Mohar,
konserv. svetnica na Zavodu za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Območna enota Piran