- Gradišće – Koper
- Podpeč – Zanigrad – Hrastovlje
- Slum – Roč – Hum
- Draguć – Paz – Gradinje – Gologorica
- Pićan – Gračišće – Lindar
- Pazin – Beram
- Oprtalj – Čirkoti – Rakotule
- Vižinada – Božje polje – Labinci
- Višnjan – Bačva – Poreč
- Sv. Lovreč – Kloštar
- Šorići – Dvigrad – Kanfanar
- Žminj – Svetvinčenat
- Bale – Batvači – Fažana – Pomer
- Bičići – Barban – Prodol
- Jasenovik – Nova Vas – Vranja
- Plomin – Brseč – Lovran
Šorići – Dvigrad – Kanfanar
St. Mary of Lakuć
The grandiose ruins bear witness of the abandoned medieval town that once watched over the road from Lim Channel through Lim Valley. The remains of the largest building on Dvigrad's highest plateau belong to the Parish Church of St. Sophia.
Fragments of frescoes were discovered in 1962 by the Istrian archaeologist Branko Marušić. Marušić concluded that they date from the same period as the church architecture, the end of the 8th c., which points out to the fact that they are the oldest preserved medieval frescoes in Istria. As it was impossible to preserve them in situ, they were detached from a wall and transferred to the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula. Two male figures represented from their waist up are located inside square fields. They are wearing white, tight-fitting tunics with a red toga buckled up on the shoulder. Depicted with strong necks and oval faces, their thin hands, lightly bent and pointed, jointless fingers, they hold objects that Marušić interpreted as daggers. Therefore, he concluded that the figures were probably representations of soldier saints. In both fields partially legible inscriptions in capitals are visible. The frescoes are almost monochromatic, executed in ochre-red shades. The drawing was executed with a thin-pointed brush, in long calligraphic strokes, indicating a talented and skillful master.
In the Church of St. Mary of Lakuć, as well as the nearby St. Anthony's Church there are Late Gothic frescoes of the Colorful Master. Such a name was given by Fučić because of the characteristic color palette, cadence of purple, red, green and orange shades. Only the sanctuary is covered with paintings. In the apse is Christ in Majesty surrounded by symbols of Evangelists and cosmic signs of the Moon and Sun. Under them is a row of Apostles.
On the triumphal arch is the Annunciation, and below it St. Ursula with two female saints and St. Lawrence. In the lowest part of the apse is a painted curtain. The scene following the Annunciation is depicted in the upper part of the southern wall representing the encounter of Mary with Elizabeth. In the upper field of the northern wall is the Birth of Jesus Christ. On the southern wall below the Visitation is St. Sebastian with St. Roch. Under the canopy above the main entrance is the scene of the crowned Virgin Mary the Protectress with mantle painted by the same master.
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